Nature's rhythm sets our pace.
When locally available, organic raw materials are used, instantly a strong connection between land and culture is made.
The wool from Ladakh is unique to its location and thus, carries particular qualities.
We exclude chemicals in our textiles as we believe that the quality of an entirely natural fiber cannot be improved by synthetic additives. This way, the environment, the maker and the wearer only experience the original properties of a fiber.
With this approach, we can enable a lasting relation between ourselves and our earth.

Besides others, the identity of a culture is especially manifested in the things its people make.
Just like in Ladakh and Assam, craft and farming is an expression of their tribe.
The raw materials are being used in a cycle and made into textiles for the community. So the very original character always stays. These crafts are often passed on through many generations and we see it as a valuable way of connecting the future to the rich heritage of a culture.
Self-expression through craft is a form of independence created for the artisan. In weaving the artisan's reflection on their culture and environment is revealed.
Especially for female artisans in rural areas of India, this independence is empowering and can create a space of autonomy.
We believe that the acknowledgment received through hand-making can strengthen the sense of identity of the artisan and the will to teach the craft to the younger generation.

In our more increasingly technologically advanced world there is a growing tendency of fascination towards authentic and meaningful products in places where they have almost disappeared.
However we see that where these traditions are still existing they are increasingly less encouraged. The loss of value of craft is leading towards a loss of skill.
To us, the value of hand-made textiles is unique and timeless and we encourage the longevity of its culture.